Our maintenance services help to take care of the property. With our partnership agreement, the maintenance of the property's wastewater technologyis handled on a long-term basis, and acute repairs that occur in everyday life are immediately corrected. Maintaining the on-site sewage technology with Capse is easy and hassle-free. We maintain the technology and fix faults and shortcomings and identify future repair needs. It is also worthwhile to sign a property maintenance agreement with us, which guarantees continuous, systematic and promt service. Capse repairers are only a one click a way, when the sewer is clogged, the pumping station breaks down, or anything esle surprising. Long-term proactive maintenance and repair mapping provide additional security, which evenes out and anticipates repair costs and needs. This will save you many nasty surprisees in the future.
When Capse maintains and implements the management and maintenance of the wastewater technology of the property, we always act in accordance with the overall view agreed with the customer. And once the plans are clear, you get things done quickly. You can count on the quality and timelines of Capse's service.
Five tips: