If the plints are darkened and the plaster is cracked, there may be a problem with the scavengers. The condition of drainage plants should be checkedevery 5-10 years. With an inspection, we can see that the drainage ditches are working and that they are not obstructed by water. Enclpsures around the property are an important part of the property's life cycle. Inactivated dehumidifiers greatly affect the life of the property and cause indoor air problems when the structures get wet. The inspection shall be clearly reported.
Rinse, inspection and localization is an integral part of an efficient drainage system. The result of rinsing and video recording is to see the condition of the drainage system and to remove any obstacles such as (soil and roots). The video recording report includes analysis of condition and a proposal for a measure.
Locating existing drainage systems and wells is part of efficient maintenance and upkeep of the drainage system. With the help of the locator, we locate and mark locations in the terrain and in documents.
The video recording of the commissioning of new drainage systems shall check the proper installation and shall not contain any unauthorized goods or waste. The inspection will become a separate commissioning protocol.
We raise the underground pit covers to the ground level.